Business Etiquette Series – Rapport

Business Etiquette Series – Rapport …

Rapport means a relationship in which people like, understand and respect each other. Therefore, it is a relationship of trust or emotional affinity.

In the people business, rapport is essential. Rapport is built, consciously or unconsciously, on body language and communication.

What are the essentials for Rapport?

  • A smile: A smile shows you are open to contact and cooperation. It is a standing invitation.
  • A friendly wave: Combine that smile with a wave, and you make meaningful contact, acknowledging your colleague or customer with a display of respect and affection.
  • A sincere and firm handshake: a firm handshake feels good. It delivers a message of warmth and openness. When shaking hands, grasp the other person’s hand, taking hold of the palm and not just the fingers. Hold on a fraction of a second longer than what seems natural. Avoid the limp handshake and also the bone-crushing grip.
  • A kind word: Say something nice to the other person, accompanied by a warm smile. It puts people at ease. ‘’Good morning Celia’’, or “Femi, that tie looks great’’.
  • A look in the eye: Make and maintain eye contact to show that you are confident, friendly, and have nothing to hide.
  • A courteous act: Hold the door open for others regardless of gender, get up so that someone else may sit. Everyone appreciates when someone goes out of their way to help out.
  • Small talk: It is not always a waste of time. It can be productive. Do not intrude or interrupt but exploit encounters in the hallways, corridors, elevators, or during breaks. Start with an open- ended question likely to be meaningful to the other – ‘’Victoria, I have been meaning to ask you, where is your hometown?’’ – Then listen.

Listening is the secret to successful ‘’small talk’’ because it tells others that you are interested in them and value them.


Key learning point: Creative small talk (or schmoozing if you will) builds rapport, the foundation and the goal of all Business Etiquette.
